Twender or Twinder

Started by kristopher612, May 11, 2007, 05:14:59 PM

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hi there everyone.  i was weeding through some of my schematics and found one for a fender emulation called the twender, and i really liked the sound clips for this circuit.  i went to the original thread and saw a second one called the twinder.  there was a layout for one of these, can't remember which one of the top of my head, but now the file isn't there anymore. does anyone have this by any chance?  if you do I'd really love to have it.  thanks a million.
i can't say how much I've learned just by lurking on this board, and i really appreciate it.  so this is thanks for everyone that's helped me learn a little more than i knew before.


that's the one.  sorry i forgot to link to the original.


 The pcb and layout are still there... check out the URL's, they just need a little... modification... ;)


Change this:

to this:

same for the pcb file.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


cool, i got it now. thanks again. i feel kinda dumb for not checking the url first. :icon_rolleyes:


 Heh- it was easy to miss... I'm used to just automatically checking whenever something's hyperlinked.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


Uh, my "Roll your own ROG" time... actually that little thing found it's home in Finland after I had to find out I had no use for it I gave it away to someone who asked for a partlist (that poor guy had to take some surplus germaniums too) ;D. I still have the eagle files for that one if any one needs 'em though... never thought anyone would care. Actually that part of my site has not been updated for ages and it's not even linked (the main part might not be very usefull for you guys). Even though I have a whole bunch of projects finished and even more in "I should really finish that layout" form I never cared to upload them - heck even my postcount here is really damn low. There is really nothing (electronics wise) special about that circuit, but it's still funny that the presence control worked, given it's been crudely ripped off a tubeamp PI and does not really apply. If I can be of any help - just let me know.


 Special or not, it looks like a good amount of effort went into it... 8)

Actually, I find the concept of a jfet Twin thingy(Twinder) pretty interesting... Haven't seen that before, can't see any reason it wouldn't work as well as the other jfet amp adaptations...
I am not responsible for your imagination.