Low volume on Electra Circuit

Started by BoneMan, May 23, 2007, 09:02:53 PM

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First attempt at this type of thing, I've never even soldered before, so tell me if that's a likely issue.

Electra Distortion from

I followed instructions as closely as I could.  After soldering and connecting everything, I plugged in to test.  When the effect is switched off, bypass goes through.  When it is switched on, it seems to have no output.  However, if I crank my guitar's volume up, I can hear it.  It's far quieter than it should be.

Any pointers or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


My guess is that the transistor's soldered in wrong.  What did you use?
Ron Neely II
Electro-Harmonix info: http://electroharmonix.vintageusaguitars.com
Home of RonSound effects: http://www.ronsound.com
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I used the transistor specified, 2N3904.  I soldered it as the guide indicated, or I believe I did.

If the transistor were soldered incorrectly, would I get a sound out of it at all?
How about if it were heat damaged?


If the transistor were soldered incorrectly, would I get a sound out of it at all?
How about if it were heat damaged?

  Yes maybe no, probably...
  Yes if you hear sound.
  Maybe if the transistor is heat damaged
  No if the output jacktip is Gnd.
  This is the long way around moot, because simple as it looks there are many ways it could be which I can't rely on.
  Read the debugging page, it tells how to debug circuits, we'll need to use the skills you can develop by filling in the battery/circuit voltages as well as...what the dbging page calls for.
  By posting that info and searching at GEO for transistor info, the voltage readings you take between Gnd and the transistor pins start making sense, or vice versa, the won't make sense...that's when you've identified a problem.
  On this gain stage , collector should be about 1/2 voltage of supply [battery], emitter near gnd., base above emitter by at least one diode drop.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


I don't know how to use the meter, but I've found one tucked away in my garage.  I don't think it works though.  I'm touching the tips to the battery and nothing is happening.

I'm going to try and get pictures up here after I tinker some more.