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Started by krister, May 20, 2007, 08:48:12 AM

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Hi, I built this little practice amp for my 10 year old son. It has a output for an extension speaker. It sounds real nice through a Marshall 2x12. Have a good one!  :icon_twisted:

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 :o cool small amp there you got. HULK.Your kid surely love it.Small and compact. ;)


Really nice job !!

What size of speaker did you use?


Thanks. The speaker is a 3.5-inch 4 ohm speaker I took out of a small boom box.
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Im curious to ,know, can you use the amp full drive and volume without crapping out your little spkr?(Of course im talking about normal low end and not naturally "thumping", cause the low end physically does not pass thru that small spkr.)
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


You have to keep the volume down, since the lunch box will rattle a bit. You can get a nice sound out of it though at low practice volume. If you really want it to crank you have to run it through an extension speaker, hence the extension speaker jack  ;)
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So is it just the box rattling? or you are scared of blowing the spkr?, what I want to know is if the Ruby has potential to blow your spkr.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


The speaker is rated for 1.5 watts. The little gem nor the ruby produces enough wattage to blow the speaker. No worries there.
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Hulk is too much impressive for the 10 year old boy IMO ;-)
Too old to rock'n'roll, too young to die


Is it just me - I don't see any pics?   :icon_frown:


nice!!  That is a really cool build.  Good for show n tell! 

If you really want to get nuts, you can put this stuff called Dynamat on the metal surfaces, they sell it for cars w/ subs that rattle the trunk lid and fenders.  It's adhesive sheets of a rubbery asphalt kind of material that damps out the vibrations.  Or you could stuff it full of a piece of foam from the fabric store too. 
Bassist for Foul Spirits
Head tinkerer at Torch Effects
Instagram: @torcheffects

Likes: old motorcycles, old music
Dislikes: old women


Thanks, guys. The foam may be a possibility to tame the rattles.
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