Built a nurse quacky

Started by Hanglow, April 09, 2007, 05:37:55 PM

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Nice pedal all in all. Got the pcb from GGG. No mods at all. Here's a pic

I put it in with my orange comp, also from GGG. It runs great off a battery but the OC really hates the power supply I use, and the buzz is unbearable, but its quiet with just the Nurse Quacky on  ??? My other comp, a Ross clone, is very quiet with the same power supply. It's a little annoying, but I couldn't see anything wrong with it and like I say it sounds fine with the battery... guess that'll be the only pedal that I'll run off a battery.

The knobs are some horrible  cheapos I have kicking about, I think I'll replace them and will probably stencil on some decals/labels at a later date.

The box is an absolute beast. was an end of line offer from rapid, got a couple more of them. I know it looks a little strange layout, I wanted to keep each effect to half of the box, but with hindsight I should have laid it out better and/or used small pots for the NQ so it would have fitted better. there's always next time  ;)


Congrats off a nice filter.
I'm in the process of building one, it's not yet boxed up, but I've tried the cuircit wich sounds really good :icon_razz:
I will try to fit mine in a 1590B size box. I redrew the layout to get the size down a bit though.

Visit my site: http://www.zeta-sound.se/


hi...my build doesn't quake at all...only produced clean sound.
Mind to share the voltage reading at LED, IC and trannie?

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Quote from: Hanglow on April 09, 2007, 05:37:55 PM
Nice pedal all in all. Got the pcb from GGG. No mods at all. Here's a pic
It runs great off a battery but the OC really hates the power supply I use, and the buzz is unbearable, but its quiet with just the Nurse Quacky on  ??? My other comp, a Ross clone, is very quiet with the same power supply. It's a little annoying, but I couldn't see anything wrong with it and like I say it sounds fine with the battery... guess that'll be the only pedal that I'll run off a battery.
maybe the filtering on the PSU is marginal, try hanging a big electtro across the power input (500 mfd or more).


Quote from: lynessmy on May 23, 2007, 11:11:55 PM
hi...my build doesn't quake at all...only produced clean sound.
Mind to share the voltage reading at LED, IC and trannie?
Sorry but I can't help you. My quacker was built for a trade and is sent away. I recived a very nice speaker cab.

Visit my site: http://www.zeta-sound.se/