LM386- wimpy output

Started by runmikeyrun, May 26, 2007, 12:37:39 AM

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I've got a LM386-3 going that i need to power a small speaker, but i'm having problems.  I've built a few before and they drove speakers ok.  This time i built from the smash drive schem, same as last time, but am getting really low output.  I tried modifying to the little gem schem and no difference.  I get a barely audible signal on the low gain settings and not much more at full gain.  This is through a speaker, the sound and output are fine when plugged into an amp.  I have tried a 2x12 and a small 0.5w 3" computer speaker (each 8 ohm) to the same effect.  Not sure what is going on.  I am running it off of 14v 350mW wall wart, and tried a new 9V just to be sure.  I feel stupid because i have built a few of these that are fine and now i don't know what i'm doing wrong.  Gonna get a fresh pair of eyes on it in the A.M. but any suggestions are appreciated.
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 The 3 suffix means 12v max. rating.  It's possible the chip is damaged. Or, maybe defective to begin with.
I am not responsible for your imagination.


If you used an unregulated wall wart, and the chip's max is 12v, that might've done it.  Unless you're pulling the 350mW, the voltage output of the wart might be high enough to have fried it...
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