Aiight. I got two DPDT switches and I need some wiring ideas for a SSS Strat.

Started by DanielWong, June 11, 2007, 06:26:31 PM

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Yup. A Push pull and mini toggle switch drilled into the pickguard.

Right now I have the push pull set to have the bridge pup on, so I get like, two more pickup combos. The mini switch previously gave me out of phase switching but that sounds horrible no matter what so I need more ideas




Not quite sure what Your looking for sound wise but I would wire the humbucker thru the mini switch for single coil/humbucker or series/parallel if You want humcancelling and use the push pull to bring on the neck p/up along with the bridge in position #1 ie: the 5 way set to the bridge, then all #3 p/ups in position #2


i don't have a humbucker in my strat.

um, there's so much text on the's like geofex all over again! Can you recommend some mods from that site and link me directly?


Tell us a bit of your guitar, your PU and what do you want. You could get out of phase, humbucking possibilities, more parallels possibilities, all PU's. The "solo mod" which bypasses with a dpdt tone and volume control, which you can use at your solos..(it will sound a bit bright, though)


3 single-coils seymourduncans with a Twangbanger (tele-replica) in the bridge.

Same old strat controls.

Master volume (with push pull), neck tone, bridge/middle tone.

Five way.


About the solo mod, is it really all that noticeable of a tone difference ot be worth chanign? and does it bypass the pots for a pups or just one?


If you're playing with your controls volume and tone 10/10 there won't be mucch difference.. if you play with vol and tone 6/6 youll hear the difference and get a "boost" fot the solo..



I like the ultra strat mod.

How can I do it so I can just make series for the 2 & 4 positions?

None of that spdt switch crap.

jonathan perez

geeze, chill out  ;)

and theres nothing wrong with geofex...text or pictures, theres too much important information on both of those pages to just ignore.
no longer the battle of midway...(i left that band)...

i hate signatures with gear lists/crap for sale....

i am a wah pervert...ask away...


Geez, there's a lot of discussion about guitar modifications here.
As far as the Ultra Strat™ Mod, I'd highly recommend it.  That's my website.  :icon_smile:
Yes, I've personally wired a few of my own guitars like that.