OK, lets play a game....spot the goodies!

Started by momo, July 08, 2007, 11:08:44 AM

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My Dad gave me his old Phillips sound system that was made in holland....ill be having fun using lots of these!

OH my....unfortunately dammit, ill have to help you out as my dads camera is from the last century :icon_rolleyes:
The transistors are in a bigger plastic casing than ive seen usually...
BC148, BC149,BC147,BC261(pnp), and lots of fish swimming...!

OH I just checked the datasheets, the BC's have HFe's of around 330!!, any suggestions as to what I can do with these?.....Oh and sorry again for the pics, its really annoying to have out of focus pics big like that....
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


what are the little metal boxes with trims on top?  i found a junked cd player/stereo that has tons of those...they have 6 or 8 pins iirc.


Well I dont know what your talking about...I cant see shite with these pics!!! :icon_rolleyes:

Actually, I dont know what those are, Ive seen smaller one with a screw on top and I think those are variable capacitors, but Im not sure.Ill be desoldering the tropical fish caps tonight, those are the score in this. The BC147/8/9 have 300 HFe's!, Ill have to check what I can build with that.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."

Dan N

Quote from: caress on July 08, 2007, 02:29:13 PM
what are the little metal boxes with trims on top?  i found a junked cd player/stereo that has tons of those...they have 6 or 8 pins iirc.

That's a pretty nice score! Cool late 60's early 70's euro parts!

The square things are little transformers. The round are variable caps. Not much use for our stuff.


tropical fish caps...could be of some value if they are values used in a typical wah.
builds completed: boutique fuzz, rangemaster, BSIAB2, PT-80, Tonepad wah, Ross Comp, Axis Fuzz, MOSFET boost, Thunderchief, Big Muff (triangle), Mr. EQ, Dr. Boogey,  Neovibe, Dist+, EA Tremelo, ADA Flanger, RM Octavia
next build(s): ???


Quote from: momo on July 08, 2007, 11:08:44 AM
OH I just checked the datasheets, the BC's have HFe's of around 330!!, any suggestions as to what I can do with these?.....Oh and sorry again for the pics, its really annoying to have out of focus pics big like that....

I think the Colorsound Overdriver used BC148s so you could build one of those. Or they probably sound good in silicon fuzz faces.

Mark F

I see some tants & polystyrenes. There also appears to be some metal tophats. You can probably salvage the pots. All in all it looks like a pretty good score. :icon_wink:


MarK you crack me up man, im looking at my pics thinking I need glasses and you spot all that! :icon_wink:
Ive been desoldering all evening, ill post a decent pic of just the catch in a couple of days...
Im exited about the dual gagned pots, but mostly,I love the pot "Holster" which can be mounted with 2 screws and the 4 pots are mounted. I used a similar one on my Ruby amp....ill probably use this on a noisy cricket soon :icon_mrgreen:
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."


wait... what's wrong with the sound system? :P
Blood, Sweat & Flux. Pedals made with lasers and real wires!


Quote from: darron on July 09, 2007, 05:12:38 AM
wait... what's wrong with the sound system? :P

Someone ripped out all the components. :icon_lol:


Ha, nothing wrong with it......UHHH, there WAS nothing wrong with it!....Ive seen this system in my dads furniture at the same spot for about 30 years....it was begging for a new life.
Ya I do wonder sometimes if im actually doing more harm taking things apart, but hey, that was a good find, ive got maybe 25 tropical fish caps, good trannyies, and goos standup resistors.
Im not finished desoldering...ohh and I already have 2 Ge AC 261....have no idea yet if its usable.
"Alas to those who die with their song still in them."

Mark Hammer

The Philips "tropical fish" caps have a nasty tendency for the leads to simply pull out of the cap when too much heat is applied.  They are essentially soldered to the foil inside the cap and heating them too much loosensthe solder joint.  Going IN, that's not such a problem, but taking them OUT (particularly from an old board where dust and other crap on the solder joints impedes solder reflow and forces you to leave the iron on the joint longer) can be tricky.

A few suggestions.  One, get yourself a little brass wire brush or siomething else you can use to brush the crap off the solder joints before touching iron to them.  Two, add a dab of solder to the solder joints you wish to reflow.  Three, don't do too many adjacent caps at once, to avoid local heat buildup.  Four, make sure that pad is solder free and you can wiggle the component lead freely around the pad hole witrh your needle nose pliers before attempting to remove; the closer it is to simply falling out, the better.


Ive had pretty good luck with using a desoldering pump to gut boards.  ive actually salvaged more boards than ive put together.....hopefully ill have a large enough pile of goodies to build a string of pedals with or trade components in the market place (dont worry ill test them).  Maybe look for some diodes. see how they clip or something.  are those inductors or odd looking caps?  either way does anybody know of any use for small value inductors like .22uH or .65uH (or do you prefer mH as the value?) because ive come across these and im wondering if they are junk or are useable components in the pedal world because ive only seen inductors used in wahs and those are around 500mH.