Error in tonepad offboard wiring?

Started by Laika, August 05, 2007, 11:44:50 AM

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Hi all,

I've just been finishing off my first effects build (tonepad rat) and was a little confused looking at the tonepad offboard wiring. They show the negative from the DC supply going to the main ground and not to the same connector as the negative from the battery snap. So if wired as shown wouldn't the effect power up (& led on) without a lead in the input jack if running from a P/S? I wired the DC neg and the battery neg to go thru the input jack switch, is that ok? Sorry if its a stupid question, tis all new to me. ... Link to the file I'm talking about =

Oh and btw my rat worked first time... very happy :)

R O Tiree

You're right. And it's not a stupid question. And what you did to solve the problem is fine. Well spotted.

Of course, once the pedal is connected to a power supply, you don't really care whether it's on all the time. It's only when using batteries that one wants a fool-proof method to switch it off, ie, remove the input jack plug. So both methods are equally valid. fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way...