Guidance needed on direct box build

Started by jasonsmusicgear, August 07, 2007, 01:47:30 PM

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I would like to build a direct box really just to learn how it works, I know it can be more expensive than buying one but I would like to learn.  I have searched the boards and have not found too much on DI boxes.  I did find this link which was great

What transformer should I use?  On Smallbear's site there is one that specifically says "for direct boxes" (Mouser #42TM018).  Is there any reason I should get a different one?

Please post any additional links on this subject or any threads I might have missed.



Also check out these links for DI schematics....


Try using the search function?

The ideal direct box ouputs exactly what you put in, and the transformer you choose can have a big impact on the quality of the output sound. There are better DI traffos than that mouser traffo, but you'll have to pay more... of course. ;)

Jensen is a good choice, but they are not cheap. The JT-DB-E which is the standard choice for a DI is like ~$70. However, most folks will definately hear a difference in comparison to the Mouser traffos.

I've read some very good things about Edcor traffos and they are much more affordable. The sell direct from
This might be a good one for a DI box...

If you want to go transformerless, try the country hick at diyfactory (link posted by Dragonfly).

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Quote from: moosapotamus on August 08, 2007, 10:19:30 AM
Try using the search function?

The ideal direct box ouputs exactly what you put in, and the transformer you choose can have a big impact on the quality of the output sound. There are better DI traffos than that mouser traffo, but you'll have to pay more... of course. ;)

Jensen is a good choice, but they are not cheap. The JT-DB-E which is the standard choice for a DI is like ~$70. However, most folks will definately hear a difference in comparison to the Mouser traffos.

I've read some very good things about Edcor traffos and they are much more affordable. The sell direct from
This might be a good one for a DI box...

If you want to go transformerless, try the country hick at diyfactory (link posted by Dragonfly).

~ Charlie

In addition to what Charlie mentioned, Sowter and Lundhal make excellent transformers.


Thanks guys I will check out these links as soon as I get off work.