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2N404 Ge Trannies

Started by Papa_lazerous, August 08, 2007, 12:03:14 PM

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Well some of you may remember I found a stash of 2N404's recently and ordered 100 as a sample to see if I would get a good yield from them.

Anyway they turned up today so I got the fun task of sorting them I have a cool toy that tells you amongst other things gain and leakage here's a link if you wanna see it. Well worth having IMHO

Anyway I need to get some idea of what leakage is going to be acceptable. and also hfe too.  I know there is the obvious build for these is a fuzz face and I am following RG's article on the fuzz face on whats usuable.  I have had a little look and allot fall into the 70-130 band.  a few are higher nothing too low yet

Anyway I need some suggestions on what else I could use these for and what hfe would be ideal so I can make best use of them.

heres the good bit.  Once I have sorted them and got enough for me to play with I will order allot more and ofcourse make them available on the trade section.  I am not out to steal anyones business just thinking I will forward this find to others and only looking to cover my time sorting them and the actual cost so very cheap.

the source is remaining secret as we will end up buying them from our good friend at smallbear otherwise  ;) for allot more lol (no offence meant)


general rule...

leakage <300 is acceptable...

though I prefer less if possible.
