I've improved my Noisey Cricket mkII

Started by brett, August 16, 2007, 06:54:13 AM

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I just built a noisey cricket mkII (beavisaudio.com). I was suspicious of the small size of the cap between the JFET buffer and the volume pot, which is only 10k.  The suggested cap is only 47nF, which gives a roll-off frequency of 340 Hz.  That's high!  So I used a 0.1uF cap (it's C2 I'm talking about).  According to my scope, the actual roll-off frequency is now about 160 Hz, which makes a lot more sense.

The other two changes I made were just for "safety".  I put a 0.1uF film cap in parallel with the big filter cap, which I upgraded from 220uF to 470uF.

I was able to get 0.5W (8V p-p into an 8 ohm load) of clean power out of it, but the IC was getting quite hot.  I might organise some sort of heatsink. I'm running it at 12V from a wall-wart.

It sounds quite good.
Brett Robinson
Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend. (Mao Zedong)


use some of that thermally conductive double sided adhesive stuff and a 220 heatsink
adhere one side to the ic and the other side to the 220 heatsink
bang! instant ic heatsink

unless someone knows otherwise (someone always does...)
Open Your Mouth, Heres Your Money


You could also pickup some of those ram heatsinks that have the thermally conductive adhesive on them already i got some pretty cheap awhile back, I think $5.00 qamerican for a whole big set.
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