footswitch clean/dirty - parts questions

Started by bonkdav, August 17, 2007, 01:09:43 AM

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I recently blew a bunch of my student loan money on an orange rockerverb 50 combo and i need a footswitch to switch from clean to dirty, im going to college so now i am super super broke and addicted to diy so i figured id build one. i just have a few questions on this. the picture is the actual orange footswitch guts redrawn so im not scared about that but im just wondering if any body has a reccomendation for the LED and the value of the resistor and also, does the switch need to be momentary or latching? thanks for any help!

John Lyons

I would solder a temporary test pot of 50K as a resistor along with the LED.
Start with the pot at half way up and adjust it until the LED looks bright but not too bright (too much voltage will burn it out)
Measure the pots value and then solder in that value resistor.
Make sure you put the LED in correctly as it will onlt work in one position.

The switch is most likely latching.


Basic Audio Pedals


Great idea John. that will help me out a ton for finding what i need.

Can i get a verification on the latching footswitch from anyone?