Noise gate builds..

Started by mnordbye, August 08, 2007, 02:32:33 AM

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Have anyone built a good noise gate? Need something to cut the noise when not playing..

Magnus N
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


ive heard there are recent updates on the mxr noisegate at tonepad [comments section]
i built the gate using the original layout but it didnt work.
still to try the "corrections"
Look at it this way- everyone rags on air guitar here because everyone can play guitar.  If we were on a lawn mower forum, air guitar would be okay and they would ridicule air mowing.


Ok, i'll take a look at the MXR noise gate over at tonepad.

Anyone else wanna recommend something? I'm in a bit of a hurry getting a noise gate, and i'm thinking of just buying a Boss Noise supressor..

Magnus N
General tone addict
Deaf Audio at Facebook


I built the MXR noisegate but i'm not satisfy.  I tried the DOD loop/gate worst. I came across with Boss NS2 somewhat ok so I bought it co'z compare to MXR this is better. I read a review on ISP it's better than Boss NS2 as the review comment but not available here in the Philippines so I could try and compare with. IMHO NS2 is thumb up for me and if I lost it I would buy another one.



This is the one I built.  You can add the mods with the extra pots from the tonepad site.  This was the only Noise gate I could get to actually work.  But if you need something quick then building one would be a waste of time.  Buy a Boss NS-2 it'll be much faster.


According to the last build note you just need to replace the center resister, in the cluster of 3 1M resistors, with a 470k.
Is there any reason folks are not using the 2n5952?


I'm sure 5952's should work fine.


The noise gate from Anderton's book EPFM is my favorite.

Mark Hammer

I never tried building the MXR circuit shown, but I used to own one of those nice little grey 1590B-size boxes when they first came out around 1978. 
The switch shown is a momentary one, yet the switch on the pedal I had was quite clearly a stomp switch with a very discernible "click".  Is the circuit shown from a later Commande series pedal or something?  I'd like it if someone could clear up the mystery for me.