solasound tonebender problem

Started by fegg, August 16, 2007, 10:44:03 AM

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hi all  :icon_smile:
I have a friends tonebender here that has the battery cable broke away from the circuit board,
I can see the two solder points but dont know which way round to re-solder it,
whats the safest/ quickest way to determine this...

p.s. I could post a link to gut shots but dont know if thats cool.  (its a  90's re-issue pedal).


mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84


  Make the DMM beep with the leads touch.
  Hook one lead to ground, the jack sleeve or other.
  First find out if it's a MkII professional...
  Or just try to find Q2emitter connected to ground.
  If neither of Q2's outside pins beep the meter to ground, try finding Q2E with V+, if it beeps then, assume it's a PNP Pos Gnd MkII...
  Then get that exact schematic and trace around the circuit to see if it's indeed what you have, some resistors I guess might be a little different, dunno what you've got there.
  about the time you feel like you've found out what schematic this pedal follows, and have determined the polarity of the power supply..
  If it's not a MkII I'd have to look at the schematic, find something that goes to ground which might tell the polarity of the circuit [pos Or neg gnd.] and work from there.
  I guess it doesn't have a reverse polarity diode [large light black like 1N4007] which might tell instantly what the polarity is.
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