70's Distortion + part layout help

Started by msurdin, September 07, 2007, 04:29:42 PM

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I was wondering if there is any place that has the 70's parts layout for the MXR Distortion +. I was told GGG is the newer distortion + parts..

This would be a giant help..




I assume i can just throw this layout over to the ggg board?

What do you reccomend the asymetrical clipping or symetrical clipping?
what is the difference is sound?


I'm not sure I'm understanding you. Do you already have the GGG board? Do you have schematics for both? If so, you can compare the two to see what is different. I haven't built either so I don't know. I only posted the link to Mark's gallery because I knew it was the 1976 version.

As far as clipping is concerned, only your ears can tell you which you like better. Asymetrical is supposed to be more tube like. If it helps, the TS-808/TS-9 has symetrical and the BOSS SD-1 has asymetrical. There is some good info on diodes and clipping here http://www.diystompboxes.com/wiki/index.php?title=Simplemods#Simple.2C_Easy_Mods.2FTips_.26_Techniques



For that section for the clipping, could i put a 2 way toggle there? , dpdt style... top 2 with the diode, middle 2 for the wire in and out, bottom 2 wired together..would that act as a jumper?
could that work to experiment witht he 2 ways?

I was thinking just match up the layout part numbers like d1,r1,c1 with the layout part numbers for the ggg board...



i do...dont have time to look for it tonite, but i'll check tomorrow...


What do you reccomend the asymetrical clipping or symetrical clipping?
  Yes, it's probably worth it to clip a long toggle paddle to short toggle style [or find one] so the toggle don't pry so hard on the switch and break it, then wire up yer diodes, see simple mods and tricks, wire the switch so when it does break there is a default diode pair still clipping the signal.
what is the difference is sound?
  Low diode threshold [like Ge] = lower output, harder [sooner after the wave tries to swing + or -] clipping results.
  High threshold [like LED's] = higher output, less clipping, maybe even letting opamp clip some.
  something inbetween [si's or...a little bit of assymetry...sounds a good thing too.
  I like making one easy to swap on a switch, the others in socket [8 pin, each column of 4 pins for each diode -->, <---.
  Then I get a configuration I like better than on the switch in the socket, move that to the switch and try again with various configs in the socket again.
  You said layout..find or make one up that supports a couple diode configs., perhaps something offboard or with sockets.
  ...booster in front, warp control on the diode clipping [see AMZ notebook., then you can more easily vary between hard/soft diode clipping and get the opamp to influence clipping also. I like having the cap on the diodes be a cap/pot to ground so treble can be adjusted.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


here are 2 sound clips of the cornish ss2. From talking to cornish he said its based off the 70's mxr distortion +. From these clips can you guys help and decide what would be better? Is one smoother, and quieter? http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jroscoe/atg4.mp3 and http://youtube.com/watch?v=3JKK_xbAIBw&mode=related&search=

thanks guys