"Another" Hot Tubes thread

Started by Bernardduur, January 09, 2007, 03:02:59 PM

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Hey all!

As I am quite fond of my Hot Tubes clones I decided to buy one......

Oh well, I found one cheap :)

It follows this schematic quite right with some small changes:

- all 150k resistors are 160k
- all 4,7 uF caps are 5 uF
- the 1 uF cap in the tone section is 10 uF
- across the first "gain" stage (1.8M to ground, 160k across inverter) is a small cap (N 3300)

Voltage is 8.3V, IC = RC4558NB, inverter = SCL4049UBE (socketed)

Just to share!
Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


Recently I got my Hot Tubes from the dust as my need for OD pedals are over; my amp is just enough + nice boost OD

I read somewhere that this unit needs to be run after a preamp (or it was suggested that it sounded much better when placed after a preamp)

So I placed the unit now in my FX loop (Dumbleator) to hear if there is a difference............

I am now so IMPRESSED............ MAN! The difference is HUGE. It opens up the sound, makes it bigger and it is much much more cleaner. Tweed sounds on the go! I always found the Hot Tubes too gritty sounding but in the FX loop there is no grit until you crank it over 12 o clock. Be careful with the volume as FX loops and too much boost are not great together. Maybe the bass increase could be less..... Dunno if others have this problem!


I think this pedal was designed to be placed between the (SS) preamp and a SS poweramp to give it a "real" sound, a very tubey-like sound.

Am learning something new every day here

SquareLight | MySpace account


oops ... wrong thread. :icon_confused: