Altering a channel select pedal?

Started by ickypoopy, September 12, 2007, 10:11:45 PM

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I recently bought a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe used, which came with a footswitch channel selector.  Is there any way that I can tweak this thing into some sort of sound alteration rather than a channel selector?  It has two buttons: "channel select" and "drive/more drive" and it is supposed to plug directly into the amp.  I dont know anything about pedals and electronics but I could sure learn if there was a way to modify it, or to use the frame and buttons, or perhaps swap the wiring and create another cable jack.  What do you guys think?


Remember a footswitch channel selector is just a switch or a series of switches that "switch" on and off other circuits inside tha amp making possible to obtain different sounds out of the amp. It has nothing to do with the audio circuit inside the amp (in a direct way) so my questions are:

What exactly do you want to do?  ???
Why do you want to do it? ???



I know that I will never use this thing as is in my entire life because Fenders are obviosly prized for their clean channel.  I've got an MXR Distortion Plus that is infinitely better than any Fender attempt to add drive to the amp.  I am a fan of effects and wanted to put this cool little box to use so I figured that there might be some way to turn it into a cool little effect.  I honestly don't care what the effect really does so long as it alter my sound somehow.  I'm not even thinking of something conventional, just some wierd wiring or something that might make a weird noise when I turn it on.


Hey ickypoopy:

Why you don't try to begin learning something about DIY stompbox electronics, you can start reading this:

Then you can begin building something with the "Beginners project":

And with some time and hard work you can begin to modify your own pedals.

Try it, is addictive! :icon_lol: