Will this wiring diagram work?

Started by letsgocoyote, September 20, 2007, 09:02:49 PM

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i made this diagram, but will it work?  its based off of aron's and beavis' diagrams.

i jsut want something that will make everything quicker to connect.  i used arons diagram except i added the dc jack like fromt he beavis audio diagram, except i like to put the resistors for the led's on the circuit board so only one connect is made to the center lug of the dc jack.  also i flipped the connect for the led from aron's diagram cuz iin arons it breaks the connection from the + of the led to turn it off, and in mine i break the connection from - (so i could have the led resistor on board)

will this diagram work?  (i know its messy looking)

also, if i connect the top left lug of the switch to the bottom middle, would that make this grounded input switching?

thanks guys!


I think is OK as long as the connections to the power connector are correct (the diagram don't help much in that area).



Looks similar to the way I do it on my own layouts.  Are you asking if its kosher to use the LED resistor on the board pulling from +9V there, and if its ok to connect all the off-board grounds together and run a single wire to the board?  If that's what you're asking, then I'll say yes.  I'm not sure what the implications would be in regards to noise issues in higher gain circuits with doing the grounds that way (if there'd be any at all), but maybe some of the Vets can answer that.  I try and keep as few wires going to the board as possible.  I normally cut all offboard wires, and wire up all the grounds together while I'm between coats painting my enclosures.
- witty sig -


thanks i tried it today and it works fine, although i havent tried the dc jack yet... but it should work.  the dc jack is wired the same as beavis audio


Then it work. Beavis audio is great please to learn.


That will work but there is one subtlety that people usually work into 3PDT switching arrangements...

True Bypass - most people arrange their switch such that the input of the effect is grounded when the effect is in the 'off' state. You may find that your current method produces a 'pop' when you switch. Grounding the effect input could be achieved in your layout by simpling adding a jumper between the switch lug connected to FX-in and the empty lug in the bottom center.


cool i thought it would, i wasn't sure if it would work or not, but i will add in the jumper to ground the input

thanks.  aslo tested the dc jack at a friends house the other day and it works perfect