For all of us "newer guys", RE: layouts

Started by jlullo, September 25, 2007, 05:39:22 PM

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Hey guys,
Just so all of you know, I'll be trying to do one or two layouts a day, and adding them to my gallery.  Something clicked while i was sleeping, and i'm getting a better grasp and understanding of them.  I hope to build quite the library over the course of the next few months.  If anyone has any comments or critiques, feel free to let them fly, as i'm still new at this!

Also, if there are simpler circuits that any of you newer guys (i'm still one of them!) would like me to take a crack at, feel free to pm me.

today, i added a modified rangemaster (ala the rangeblaster on fuzz central), as well as Tim E's CMOS boost.  Hope they can help someone out!
