Ground Hum Question: Is This My Pedal or My Guitar?

Started by railhead, October 11, 2007, 05:57:41 PM

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This is freaking killing me.  :icon_evil:

I built a BSIAB2 and it's working wonderfully, but when I play through my Les Paul, I get MAJOR ground buzz unless I touch the tailpiece or strings -- or touch the pedal case.

My bias is set properly, but I notice when I let it gate, the hum goes away. Also, no other guitar is exhibiting this humming behavior. Further, I've checked continuity in the Les Paul's grounding and resoldered the wires, etc. -- all to no avail. I'm beginning to suspect the issue is with my Les Paul and my WCR Goodwoods (which are extremely hot) and not with my pedal -- but I wanted to get opinions before I start dissecting the LP.

What do you guys think?


I think you should take the pedal out of the equation.  Use the same guitar and test it directly into an amp/mixer/etc that you know is good.


I'm not hearing any perceptible hum going direct.


Then I'm going to stick my neck out and bet that it's not your guitar.


My first thought, too, but why don't any of my 9 other guitars have any hum issues?

Thus, my confusion on what should be a simple matter...


How many wires and what colours are coming from the WCR Goodwoods.

And do you get the same amount of hum when both pickups are on.

Might be a wiring issue.  Can't find any details at WCR site.


3 wires: black and ground are tied, and red is hot. I'm also using an RS Guitarworks pre-wired kit, and they have all lug ones set as ground and tied together, toggle wired to lugs 2, and pups wired to lugs 1. It's hard to make things out, but here's a pic:

Again, I'm getting continuity with all the pots, the tailpiece ground wire, etc.


A shot in the dark, but is the tailpiece/bridge grounded?


Yeah, that's the ground wire coming to the top left (neck vol) pot -- and I've tested it for continuity. :(