edp wasp filter soundclips

Started by caress, November 03, 2007, 05:52:14 PM

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here are some quick n dirty soundclips of my edp wasp filter.  http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/v/caress/
it may be a little different than everyone's used too because i'm using a synth...

it's an ms2000 using a patch of my own (which has a little of its own delay) recorded directly into the computer (no interface) with a bit of reverb.
there are four clips -
ms2000 alone
ms2000 > filter:  LPF, BPF, HPF, Notch, then i overdrive the input with my onboard booster.  the HPF is the only mode that will self-osc right now, but i'll get the rest... ;)
ms2000 > wooly mammoth clone
ms2000 > wm clone > filter:  same order as above filtering

i pretty much swept down the freq with the res at minimum then swept back up with res at mid then again with res at max, although not every time... ::)  any popping is from switching filter modes - i can't figure out how to eliminate them.  let me know what you think!


have you tried modulating it with an external source (ie. LFO)?

i have a hard time figuring out the "flavor" of the filter, by the sounds available



i added some new samples.  of guitar.

i haven't tried the cv in yet, as i don't have a cv source at the moment...(more works in progress   :P)  i did however, in the notch example, move the freq knob as though an lfo was driving it - sounds a little univibe-ish...decide for yourself   :D

they're in the same link as above.
i recorded an old lotus guitar into a line6looper then sent that through the wasp filter direct into my mac.  i used a little amp modeling via izotope trash and reverb via smartelectronix ambiance.
just a loop with 2 passes of guitar.  one low, one high.  remember, i don't play guitar...

in each filter pass, i drove the filter into distortion at the end of the clip via the internal boost i added (sho)  -  just to give an idea what the filter sounds like when overdriven a bit. 
edit:  oh yeah, i divided the clips into each filter mode, so you could distinguish them a bit easier...

hope this helps to get a "feel" for the filter.

John Lyons

Sounds pretty cool. An LFO would be a cool addition to get the motion like you simulated by moving the knobs.


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