Need help increasing my output sound

Started by esdiezy28, January 07, 2008, 06:16:13 PM

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I started off trying to build a bazz fuzz from this website, and I got technical and did alot of mods. I have a 100k Volume Pot that reads around 8V, and when I play it the volume is very faint but is there (have to put my ear up to the speaker). My output cap is 0.1uf, is that enough info for some help with this? If you need a schematic I can draw one up. All help is most appreciated,           Tony
Ruby Amp, Noisy Cricket, NPN Boost, modded Mockman 1.0, Bazz Fuss, J201 Fetzer Valve, Valvecaster, modded Valvecaster

Resistance is futile!

John Lyons

You should not have any voltage on the volume pot. Make sure that the output cap and volume pot are wired correctly.
Without the schematic it's hard to say but if you are getting 8v on any of the 3 pot lugs then the output cap is not working or wired correctly and is most likely your problem. The cap should come before the volume pot and block DC voltage.


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