voltage doubler circuit from 12vac mains transformer using Duncans PSU designer

Started by numpty, November 05, 2007, 06:25:58 AM

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 :icon_question:I want to build a psu for a preamp which operates from a 24v supply but i only have a 12v transformer. I have a copy "Duncans amps PSU Designer" which has voltage doubler option which you can use for simulation. In its simplest form it requires further filter stages to smooth ripple but if you add the RC options available in the menu it doesn't seem to work as it gives low voltage results after the first stage.I think the subsequent filter stages should take the form of the first stage but it doesn't give that option. Can somebody shed some light on this or point me in the direction of a schematic which is known to work please ?


Sure. You're doing a lot of work to preserve the use of one cheap component. Get a different transformer and make it easier on yourself.

Multipliers have problems with ripple and sag under load if you use any appreciable current.

In response to the questions in the forum - PCB Layout for Musical Effects is available from The Book Patch. Search "PCB Layout" and it ought to appear.


thanks,  ;D the programme was acting up at that point, i reset it and it seemed be ok i have extracted a schematic which appears to simulate ok, and i have all the components to hand so I 'll try it out. its only for a preamp so it does draw much