Negistrem not working.

Started by nisios, October 01, 2007, 04:50:33 PM

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I tried to breadboard negistrem but instead of using a 2n2222 i used the 2n2222a that i have and it didnt work.
Is the transistor that crucial?
Is there any other transistor i can use?
And by the way how the hell does that transistor arrangement oscilates?
Im intrigued.....the transistor is backwards...
Can anyone explain the oscillator?


The transistor may have to be selected fro best performance but the 2N2222 is known to work.

I'm not familiar with the negistrem but if it is powered by 9v then that may be your problem. It often takes 12v, 15v or even 18v to get the negative resistance oscillators working...  you might try a higher V+, or select a different transistor that will work at 9v.

regards, Jack


if you have a 2n4401 you might want to try one of those.


Thanks for the tips.
My battery was actually in zombie state.
with a new one it started right away.

nag hammadi

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