Big Muff: which one did YOU build and why

Started by Bucksears, October 17, 2007, 05:01:41 PM

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I built the (standard, I guess) GGG Big Muff some time ago, incorporating the AMZ Presence mod #1, and really love how fun/versatile this box is.
But given the recent variation of BM builds on the GGG site, I'm curious as to which version does what differently?
I'd rather not have to build a whole one all over again, but I'm considering it just to socket certain parts to try the values corresponding to different builds.
I've heard some say that the 'triangle knob' version is best (smoother), but others rave about the green Russian (reissue) as being a thick, heavy fuzz with a lot of bass.

Anyone have any info?
- Buck


Swollen Pickle! Cuzz it was the most exotic and hard to get, and I thought it sounded good. Though I'm willing to bet most any tuned up Big Muff would sound as good.


First DIY BMP - Triangle version, nice but a little thin and not gainy enough for me
Second DIY BMP - GGG version, mix of 2x 1uf's and 2x 0.1uf's, Fairchild 5089's great, fat and not too much bass end.
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I built the stock version. It's a bassy fuzz.  I really like it when I want a low end loud fuzz.  The tone stack gives plenty of adjustment.  I haven't tried the other versions yet. 
I really like the op amp Big Muff too.  It's not as fuzzy and I find more uses for it.


There are many muffs to choose from.  Here's the BMP that i choose:

Notice the Ultra-Muff tone stack:  I drew it in it's simplest form, keep that in mind  ;)  .  WIth this tone-stack setup You can pretty much dial in on any era muff plus new sounds.  Oh and The very last transistor (after the tone stack) - the emmiter resistor should be a 2-4K trim-pot. 

Other things: 

-Creammy dreamer mod (emmiter mod)
-ommited the 470pf caps
-colector resistors are at 33K on mine
-well, let your ears be the judge   ;)
"It's Better to live a lie, and forget the past, then to Forget a lie, and live the past"


Quote from: Bucksears on October 17, 2007, 05:01:41 PM
I built the (standard, I guess) GGG Big Muff some time ago...and really love how fun/versatile this box is.

Sounds like you have winner.  Don't go hackin' it up! 

Chances are that you will find different textures amongst variations but a lot of times the versatility that you mentioned is eliminated.  You used JD Sleep's schem?  I like those values.  Does that qualify as a russian BMP?

I built a triangle muff and it does not go over the top.  It is tame compared to the other ones.  I think it's just the nature of the circuit.

The magic really lies in the actual parts you are using.  That does not mean matching parts.  Quite the opposite.  And here I used to think EH used shoddy resistors because they were cheap.


i got 2 of them.
one is a transistor one, which i modded to a mix of tringle and rams head, like that:

here you got a sound sample

and then i built an opamp one. which i think it sounds like the transistor one, BUT i haven't tried it so well yet 'cause i must still house it.  :P so i can't actually tell how different it sounds....


I built a BYOC big muff. Think they do the triangle era version? Sounded great. Very sweet smooth Big Muff sound but still clear. Not over the top   
gain but just enough. I've built an Op amp version, not too into it. Sort of weak and undistinct. Could just be my build though.
  I've owned one of the USA reissues. Sounded pretty good, I think the Russian versions have better low end and texture. they can get a little muddy though.
  I have an original probably early 80's one, round flat knobs. Tone bypass switch. It has an unreal amount of gain. Super fat sound. One of my favorites.
  I'm going to build another one soon. Have a new ggg board. Looking forward to sort of "molding" all my favorite big muff attributes into one....MUFF



I decided to build a Green Russian only because I had one and sold it... and then I wanted it back!  It started out stock and then I started playing around with the Duncan tonestack calculator and added in 2 switches - one was a mid control, scooped vs. flat (also changed the behavior of the tonestack through the pot rotation) and the other was a bass rolloff (I think).  You can mod this thing to high heaven to get what you're looking for and with the calculator you can really dial in what kind of tone you want.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti


WOW! Thanks for the replies guys. I think it's clear that the BM has a unique sound that a lot of people dig.
I guess I should also add that I had a USA/NYC Big Muff reissue (silver box, round knobs) a few years ago and it had a huge sustaining (albeit a little more compressed) sound. It wasn't nearly as articulate (if you could call a Big Muff that) as the GGG one that I built, but my GGG has less gain/fuzz than the NYC version, which came closer to the 'Pumpkins sound' for that thick searing fuzz. I'm wondering now if the values/schematics for the NYC version are out there somewhere.
Basically, I'd like a little more gain out of the one I built to match the commercial one I had.

Thanks again,
- Buck


All 4 Germanium transistors + amz presence :icon_cool:

mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84


so which one to build?  the ggg tuned model?  I've etched a board and am ready to populate it . . .