A tone control for my multifx board

Started by arma61, November 24, 2007, 03:09:34 PM

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Hi guys, almost finished my multifx board, 4 Fxs, autowha, OD250, OUSB, Minisynth, as you can see no one of them has a tone control, so surfing here and there (specially here!) I've found following
schematics http://www.diystompboxes.com/pedals/preamp.GIF, http://www.muzique.com/lab/atone.htm (just the first picture as I only have little space on my board!) , and though to combine them into a single tone control circuit. I've breadborded it and it seems not bad (tough not all the components were of the required value). So I'm wondering : did I make something wrong doing this combination (electronically speaking), is there something to improve in it , taking into account the combination and order of the FXs as shown above , where do you suggest to put it in the chain?

Any help really app.te
"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


So no suggestion at all ?!?!

btw here are some pictures, it still need to be finished, and labels to be changed, it doesn't work with transparent adhesive labels!

"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Usually EQs go at the end of the chain.
I was doing some research for an active EQ here are some links.  I haven't breadboarded any of these yet tho...



The passive EQ you posted looks pretty simple.  Try using the required values and go with what sounds best.



thank T. in the mean time I've found this http://www.beavisaudio.com/projects/bigmufftonecontrol/ (one before last one on the page, that's really interesting as I don't have to add other pcb into the box, but just wire two pots, that's really usefull. I think I can also add the buffer on a postage stamp sized perfboard and that's it.

"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen