Paralooper Debugging... Help please

Started by Ozymandias, November 25, 2007, 06:48:42 AM

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I've been trying to build the paralooper as my first "real" (= non-kit) build. And it's kicking my behind :)

I've used Torchy's vero-layout ( First try: Nothing.
On this forum, I read that caps C1, C6 and C9 have to be reversed, so I did that. But now I'm not really sure that was actually needed  :icon_rolleyes:, so could somebody check that, please ?

I've also read somewhere R9 should connect to pin 7 of U1 in stead of U2... This is very confusing... Let's stick with the labeling on the vero-layout, and call the bottom IC U1. Should R9 connect to this IC's 7?

Now trying it, I get a reaaally silent and clean effect. Not at all mixed with the fuzz I've put in the send&return... So here come the pinouts with a PSU that delivers 9,40V:

U1 (bottom IC):
-pin 1: 1,46V
-pin 2: 1,46V
-pin 3: 1,43V
-pin 4: 0,00V

-pin 5: 0,85V
-pin 6: 0,82V
-pin 7: 8,58V
-pin 8: 9,40V

U2 (top IC):
-pin 1: 1,40V
-pin 2: 1,40V
-pin 3: 0,93V
-pin 4: 0,0V

-pin 5: 1,45V
-pin 6: 1,45V
-pin 7: 1,45V
-pin 8: 9,40V

Pins are like this:
1     8
2     7
3     6
4     5

Any ideas ? Any help would be greatly appreciated..

EDIT: I've poked around with an audioprobe, and I've uncovered that I'm a dumbass. I connected the ring of the effect out with the return of the board. ::)
Anyways, the problem remains as follows: The clean signal is so weak, the blend-knob acts as a volume-knob...


First off, that's not Torchy's layout you linked to above, so any corrections to Torchy's layout you've read about wouldn't necessarily apply to that one (obviously). Second, Torchy did release a second corrected version, but I'm not sure if or where Torchy's layouts are posted at the moment. I'll check my office computer tomorrow to see if I have it there.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


I only have the original uncorrected version. PM me if you want that.
-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


Thanks, but I don't thinkt those layouts will be necessary. After you've indicated I haven't been using Torchy's layout, I've started looking for his layout and found it...

Yet I would like to finish this one off. If it turns out it's unfixable, I'll redo everything.


Okay, I'm one step further already. In fact, quite a few steps: It works! Thanks to a certain forumite over here :)

However, I've got some more questions which might be easy to answer, but I couldn't find anything with the search...
1. By lowering the 100K resistor that connects pin 6&7 of U1 to 10K, I get less breakup, correct ?
2. By lowering the 10uF caps C1, C6 en C9 to filmcaps of 0,047uF, as the original BassThru schem suggests, do I then cut more bass, or more highs ? Pretty crucial question for a basspedal...


1. The gain of the non-inverting op amp output stage equals (R12/R11) + 1. With R12 = 100k, gain equals 11; with With R12 = 10k, gain equals 2. The output stage is far less likely to clip (break up) at a gain of 2 rather than 11. Short answer: yes.

2. Generally, for caps like C1, C6 and C9 that are in-line with the audio path, increasing the cap value lowers the high-pass cutoff frequency, allowing more bass through. However, eventually the cutoff falls below the range of your instrument and making the cap even bigger doesn't really make a difference. The .047u from the original BassThru schem were already big enough, but yours are bigger! :icon_wink:  So, if you already have the 10u caps installed at C1, C6 and C9, there is really no reason to change them - bigger or smaller - at this point.

-- T. G. --
"A man works hard all week to keep his pants off all weekend." - Captain Eugene Harold "Armor Abs" Krabs


Okay, thank you very much for your replies and patience! Your karmapoints just went up a bit ;)
I'll see how I like the new resistors, also in terms of volume (which won't be a problem, I suspect), and maybe post some pictures in the picturethread once it's finished...