Question about the capacitor code(s).

Started by jeby, November 29, 2007, 05:41:34 PM

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So, I have a bunch of ceramic caps that all use the number code system.  The third number being the multiplier for the first two makes perfect sense.  The problem is that most of these caps have only one or two numbers.  Just taking a guess I would say that no multiplier means... don't multiply the value.  If it says 1 then it is a 1 picofarad cap, 10 would be a 10 pf cap, and so on.  Most of the values are pretty familiar (1, 10, 15, 68) but there are some that say 7.  This one worries me about the validity of my theory.  Any input? Thanks.


My 10pF ceramics just came in the mail.  They just say "10" on 'em, so...

Yeah.  Right on. : D
Built: Fuzz Face, Big Muff Pi (Stock), Distortion + (Germanium and Silicon versions)


Remember that if you see something like this:
this tell you "47 picofarads" for example!
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