swollen pickle schematic

Started by wlrs, December 08, 2007, 12:48:19 AM

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Would any one know if this is the right values for the pickle pedal? I hope so.
I want to build one. for myself
Here is a link to the Schematic..I will call it Green kosher  :icon_razz:


  Looks like a BMP...yupp.
  470k's will be fine where 475k's are shown.
  Not certain what values the SP uses other than it's a BMP like build.
  BMP builds always sound different one to the next anyway, I think most of the value changes are in the tonestack [look for variance to BMP values there], possibly in the gain structure [gain per stage, off hand the emitter resistors look same/same, the 15k's could be in a BMP, often 12k collector resistors are used...~small differences like that.
  About all I can tell is that it is a BMP topology with mostly BMP like values...slightly different than BMP might be or probably is the SP values shown...dont know.
  But you can always diddle with the values here and there to mold your own kosher tone.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Thanks for the reply. and the heads up.