merry christmas to me

Started by Michael Allen, December 31, 2007, 02:12:53 PM

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Michael Allen

This is what I did with my holiday:

Oh yeah... ADA Flange, Deluxe Electric Mistress, 2x Ultimate Flanger, Ibanez Flanger 301, 2x Ross phaser with extra stages boards, Small Clone, Zombie Chorus, BOSS CE2, Payback, Echo Base, PT80, and a few Wicked Switches.

Made them all with photocopy onto glossy photo paper. Works like a freakin charm even on the ADA board. Etch with HCL and H202. I've got a good year ahead of me!


good work!

All I did was breadboard and mod a phase 90, and made my own layout for a challenge.  Similar to tonepad but no jumps across tracks.  I dont know why they have jumpers its easy to do without.

I am gona build the electric mistress next, what layout you use?


Sounds like you have a very swooshy year ahead of you.  I look forward to your head-to-head flanger comparison thread ;)

Michael Allen

i used the layout for the DEM. The ADA is the SAD1024 adaptation from Moosapotamus site

Paul Marossy

Wow, you've been busy. Nice looking etch jobs.  :icon_cool:


So alot of you guys are making boards, that's awesome, I just wing it.
So we have like sheets of that stuff at work, is there a place where I can read about making/etching the traces like that?


  ADA Flange, Deluxe Electric Mistress, 2x Ultimate Flanger, Ibanez Flanger 301, 2x Ross phaser with extra stages boards, Small Clone, Zombie Chorus, BOSS CE2, Payback, Echo Base, PT80,'ll have some seriously large amounts of modulation available...'big boy boards'...
  My 'Xmas Vacation' amp...18w clone in an old RCA chassis, RCA PT, Heyboer OT, lasts longer than the average vacation.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Quote from: drewl on January 01, 2008, 09:17:18 PM
So alot of you guys are making boards, that's awesome, I just wing it.
So we have like sheets of that stuff at work, is there a place where I can read about making/etching the traces like that?

Here's a great tutorial to get you started.



Hey thanks, I think we have all that stuff from the eng. departments board prototyping supply.