RAT 'theremin' [lol]

Started by petemoore, January 07, 2008, 12:26:38 PM

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  Works with left hand when I shake nerve sensation/blood back into it, makes a neato 'warble' sound.
  Doesn't work unless left hand is not touching the strings, works with left hand straight down.
  Also RAT seems like this spongy 'warble' takes place while playing [yes...contradictory to touching strings only and shaking guitar].
  Very pronounced sounds like near DC 'pressure] is being imposed on the signal, sounds as 'sympathetic vibration' [increased effect] when LHand is 'wobbled' quickly, [analogy: as though whipping a string or a spring around.
  Right hand on strings for effect to work.
  Very wierd...
  RAT Sounds pretty cool now, I 'assymetricized' the diodes, putting a GE transistors B/E diode across a 1N914, it always/still 'dips' and ducks when hammered on with low note hard attacks.
  Don't know what's 'right' but it fired right up and has always distorted consistantly, IC measured Ratlike bias voltages...BYOC kit.
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  Not lately...lol.
  Got some eh ? [I kid].
  But not kidding about the funny sound...sounds wierd too, hard to figure except somehow there's a voltage generated which is imposed on the signal path.
  Nope...just the guitar and everything else seems normal enough. Wavery sound like somethings pulling/pushing the speaker in/out slowly...at the frequency I shake feeling back into my left hand...the sound starts and stops with the motion of the hand, follows the frequency, no doubt about the relationship between the imposed "LFO" on the noise floor...which isn't 'high] for Rat w/gain 3/4's and loud amp.
  I know this belongs in OT, that there's no telling the story as cool as it works in real life, or that there's any real chance to repeat it elsewhere or find a cure for it. Just an interesting anomoly and related anecdote.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


  Can you record a quick clip? Would resolve a lot of confusion of what your trying to describe. Thanks.


  About the same thing as when a live, 'loud' phono tip is nearly touched, a swelling of hum noise.
  Woo Woo sound, rising and falling of...something, in time with the movement, whatever it is, is being controlled by movement.
  I suppose it's known for enhancing the 'paranormal'.
    Can you record a quick clip?
  Mahn I'm terrible at handling files, yes I have capability to record and paste...but a whole nuther thing...me being able to handle and share files...
  And it's not that interesting sounding, just a slight hum type sound which rises and falls.
  I kind of expected to see responses like  'you'll have that sometimes', or 'I've had that before'...or 'not wierd, your free hand works a bit like an antenna'.
  But I'll work on it more today, seems like a more interesting and fruitful subject that the theremin Rat thing anyway...suffice it to say either you trust my perception [flashbacks are way over-rated], that sound can be produced by hand waving, and stops [so far at least] when the waving stops...so eliminating it is a simple matter, not a problem, just an interesting phenomenon I've been observing...
  I think it is the left hand working like an 'antenna of variable output' [pickup strength varies with position], and that is causing a voltage to be seen at the right hand, guitar strings, cable sleeve [ground] and the amp is responding.
  18w amp has transformers in steel 'tube' [all metal chassis/enclosure with open sides]...perhaps there are electron movement 'hot spots' being beamed from the amp ... or something.
  Might sound like something paranormal which LSD would enhance, but I think it's just an 'anti-paranormal' phenomenon...ie something tangible is causing it.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.