Adding blend circuit to big muff

Started by gutsofgold, April 30, 2008, 08:45:58 PM

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I'm looking to add the Buff N Blend to my Big Muff. I have the Buff N Blend on vero ready to go but I'm not sure how to go about wiring both circuits with the 3DPT switch...?

The Buff N Blend has wires for Guitar Input, Effect Input, Effect Output, and lug 1 of Blend pot, and log 3 of Blend pot.
Could any describe (and perhaps a quick diagram would be very appreciated) to show the two circuits work with the switch.

I only have one switch so the blend circuit is going to turn on and off with the big muff circuit which is fine by me. Help! Thanks!


Ok so I figured out the layout. Only concern:

the labeling on the buff N blend shows Effect IN and Effect OUT. Now does Effect IN assume that I am feeding the effect into this part or does it really want the Effect Input??? Sorry if thats confusing.


Hahahaha Happens to me all the time! I hate it when these things are unclear...

My guess is, effect in simply means "to the input of the effect".


Do you have a link to a schematic?
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Let me get this straight.  You want to do this:

Big Muff Circuit -> Buff & Blend Circuit -> Output

w/ a separate switch for the Big Mull and the Blend Circuit? 

Or do you always want the blend circuit on if the big muff circuit is on?