PCB mounts/ standoffs, what method do you use and why

Started by unidive, February 03, 2008, 12:59:13 AM

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I typically use steel mounts expoyed to the box, but for more space I'm thinking of moving to adhesive to pot back... I wonder how long this sort of setup would last over the course of many years of use, but I guess there's always a tradeoff

tried using the ribbed boxes, but found myself gluing the circuit boards in after having one slip out during a rushed battery change during a gig

back of the box w/ standoffs seemed like I'd be fatiguing the wires too much so I've never tried it


I usually just wrap the board in foam like old MXR pedals, but on amp builds I use plastic standoffs mounted to the main board for mounting switching relays etc. some times using one metal standoff mouted to the chassis for grounding.
On some pedals I've found using small rubber feet under the board, then wedging the board between and under the footswitches holds it in place well, but that only worked on pedals I thought out and layed out properly before building as opposed to just slapping something together and shoving it in the box.