Could someone please varify these parts.

Started by BaLaClavaAa, February 05, 2008, 02:04:34 PM

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For my first build I'm building the one know fuzz here and I was hoping some one could varify that these are the right parts:

1 - 1k
1 - 150k
1 - 10k
1 - 2K2
1 - 1M
1 - 820R
1 - .22u
1 - .1u
1 - 10u
1 - 100u
1 - 220p
1 - 500k potentiostat
1 - BC109
1 - BC108
2 - Stereo 1/4 Jacks
1 - Pc Board

I'm not really sure what the big rectangle thing at the bottom is and I'm also wondering if I'm correct in thinking there are no chips in this build? Also what are the BC109 and BC 108's supposed to be.

Alex =]


You're right- no chips.  The BC...'s are transistors, represented by the grey circles on the digram.  The rectangle thing at the bottom is a dpdt stomp switch.
"Sounds like a Fab Metal to me." -DougH


Hi Balaclava

I presume your new to this and have little or no knowledge of circuits.

The parts list you have put up seems correct (sorry don't have time to check)

The big rectangle at the bottom I presume you mean the blue one is the 3PDT footswitch upside down so you know how to wire it.

There is no IC 's in this circuit as it uses 2 transistors which are the BC108 and BC109 

Hope this helps.

I haven't built this one yet but its a Dragonfly one so it should be pretty easy and good (if your using vero his layouts are fantastic)

Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


Thanks, that's just what I need to know. I'll let y'all know what it sounds like when it's built =]