How would I install this DC socket?

Started by BaLaClavaAa, March 17, 2008, 05:20:24 PM

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I am building the dallas rangemaster by dragonfly and I am wondering what the wiring would be to add a dc socket since this is a negative ground circuit ( here is a url for a normal one )


Oops sorry here is the link to dragonfly's booster, though I don't think it's needed.




Nope doesn't work =[, could someone else please have a go at showing me how to connect it, or provide a link or something. Thanks


Try swapping the battery+ and ring connections over.
Or do it like this


I tried wiring it like in the diagram, but it didn't work. When you said swap over the + and ring, did you mean on what I had before, or what I have after I had switched it  to what the diagram said?

Also I have done the circuit and everything like in dragonfly's layout, so I am using a dpdt switch if that makes a difference to the diagram.


Regardless I tried both, and neither worked, =[. So I have tried 4 different wirings now.