Big Muff bass mod question.. and introduction.

Started by abceightsix, March 30, 2008, 03:14:40 AM

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Hello, everyone, I came here from the Harmony Central forums. I'm new to tinkering with pedals so I was hoping some Big Muff buffs could clear up some things on my Sovtek Big Muff.

My idea is to wire a switch to change the values of one input and output cap so I can utilize the pedal for guitar and bass. I'm also thinking of putting in a mid control pot. My model is the army green Russian made Big Muff.

Below is a link to a (blurry) picture of my board, I found a couple of diagrams for the BM board but not one for this particular board. I'm looking for the first input cap and the last output cap. My question is am I looking at the right caps? Will doing this give me what I am looking for? I'm thinking of a value of .1uF for guitar and maybe 10uf or 22uF for bass? I followed a schematic and I think they are the right two but wanted to post on this board to make sure.



  Maybe I can help ID The input cap. 
  Plug the effect in, and push the bypass switch to leave the effect 'on.
  You should be able to clip a DMM lead to the input jack tip, and follow the signal path until it runs into a capacitor, the input cap.
  You can make that capacitor look smaller value to the circuit...just past the switch, this way you won't even have to lift the board, just splice it right on the circuit side of the switch.
  Caveat: Not recommended for greatest durability.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.



in your diagram the caps you have circled are correct,they are the in/out.