Okko Diablo = Bsiab??

Started by stratcat, January 11, 2008, 02:22:35 PM

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Is the Diablo a Bsiab based pedal?


  The El Diablo? And Ed G.'s BSIAB? Two completely different circuits. How similar they sound I can't say, I haven't built the El Diablo yet. Ed's BSIAB 2 is excellent for med/high gain.
  If your asking about circuits other than those two? Then sorry, I don't know.

Ed G.

Based on the sound clips, they sound very different.


The Diablo is a BSIAB1 with an added output-buffer and a heavy modded input circuit (Feed-control).
Minor mods had been done to the rest of the circuit and the tone control has an added  Bass pot (similar to the BM mods on the AMZ-site). The Gain pot had been splitted into Gain and Body (pregain). Presence is a simple treble-cut.

Newer Diablos have a switch for running them on 9 or 18V. Furthermore the BIAS filtering is much better on the Diablo, resulting in a tighter, stiffer overall sound.



Thanks for that JHS.
So since the bias filtering on the okko is an improvement why not incorporate it into the BSIAB III. 
I mean DIY is a little bit like open source software in that with all the permutations somebody's bound to build a better moustrap. Pretty soon you've got an evolutionary process that leads to THE GREATEST PEDAL EVER :icon_mrgreen:

Actually the BSIAB is really great already but I'm just a born tweaker whether I know what I'm doing or not.


I'd  be very interested in seeing a DIY project based on the Okko Diablo variations.  My experience with the BSIAB was about 3-4 years ago I had a guy build one for me after reading about it -- I'm more of a mucisian that a builder.  I really didn't care for the pedal as it existed at that time, this was about 3-4 years ago, or maybe it was just this guy's build... but anyway I found it very dark and congested sounding, with little control over the distortion (it was hard to get a good-sounding medium or low gain sound) or the treble (there wasn't much).  So I sent it back.

A few months ago I heard some killer clips of the Okko Diablo on youtube 


(check them out, they are much better than the clips on the OKKO site) so I sprung for one.  I love the pedal but is was expensive.  I was really surprised when someone told me that it was based on the BSIAB circuit based on my previous experience, it sounded nothing like it. The tweaks and changes that the Okko guy has done are very impressive and make the pedal way more versatile and useful IMO. You can dial the Diablo in to work perfectly with any guitar.  The low and medium-gain tones on this pedal are super sweet, and the 18v boost option keeps the sound nice and tight, I personally love this because I don't care for overly compressed, squishy overdive.  The Diablo really reacts great with the amp.  Anyway I'd love to try to build one of these for myself... but I know nothing about it & my Diablo is covered with hardened black goop.


black goop=cloned circuit IME... not always but a good majority of the time in the boutique pedal world...
