Update on Phase 90 Script Mod

Started by zombiwoof, March 26, 2008, 07:02:30 PM

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Well, no one was able to help me locating R31 on my early Dunlop Phase 90 board (same as late original MXR block logo), so I dug in and finally was able to locate it (I think!).   Anyway, I did all of the mods except the "other" ones shown here in the layouts section, and it works great!  Exactly what I was looking for in this pedal.  I don't have an original Phase 90, but this sounds good to me.  Also, no apparent change in level when effect is engaged.

I guess I don't need to mess with the trimmer setting, but I'd still like someone to tell me how to get that blob of goo off the trimmer, in case I ever want to play around with it.  Do you just chip it away, melt it or what?

Also, I noticed one odd thing after the mods, the LED doesn't seem to be as bright.  Is there something about the mods that makes it necessary for me to change the LED resistor?



Doesn't anyone have any ideas about this?  Or is everyone just burned out on Phase 90 mods?


donald stringer



Quote from: donald stringer on March 28, 2008, 02:16:47 PM
have you seen thishttp://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/Schematics-etc/MXR_Phase_90_board.gif.html?g2_imageViewsIndex=1  I did these mods and it sounded great [added the 500k pot by replacing r36 very cool mod]

Thanks, but I already did the mods, and my version of the pedal is the earlier version, which is the same as the original MXR block logo, not the current version you showed with the board-mounted jacks and switch.  I just need to get some answers for the questions I asked about the LED dimming and the goop on the triimmer.



Well, no answers to my questions yet, so I'll bump this up.

Come on, I know a bunch of you have gotten that blob of crap off of the trimpot in this pedal or some other, how do you do it without messing up the trimmer?

Also, I know how to change the resistor to make the LED brighter, I just would like to get some opinions on why it's dimmer after the Script mod.  It helps to know the reason things happen!



Heat that stuff up with a soldering iron, just don't melt the plastic trimmer. Change the LED resistor to a lower value.


Thanks!  Just what I needed to know.
