bipolar power supply with voltage divider question

Started by newb, April 05, 2008, 08:34:46 PM

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I am building the buffered aby box and instead of using the max1044 chip or the like im just going to split 18v to 9v+/9v- using a voltage divider.

Now i use a 1 spot adaptor would it be possible to wire up 2 9vdc connections in series for 18v and just put 2 dc jacks on my box? 

George Giblet

I don't understand what you are trying to do.

Are you going to use two *separate* adaptors and plug them into the two DC jacks on your box.  Inside the box you wire them in series to get 9V, 0V, -9V rails to power your circuit?   That will work provided the DC side of the adaptors is *internally* isolated from ground - they usually are isolated/ungrounded which is good for you.