MXR Dist+ with active gain control questions

Started by gigimarga, April 16, 2008, 07:24:11 PM

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I've built tonight a MXR Distortion+ with active gain control using the PCB posted by mr. O (thx a lot again!!) here:

Excepting a little error in the PCB, it works, but i don't know if right!
I hope from it to sound like a Boss DynaDrive, so on hard picking to get more distortion and vice versa (picking strenght sensitive).
But what i heard was something like a compressor - the 2M pot seems to me to act like a sustain pot of a compressor...i didn't heard some variations in the distortion "level".

So, am i wrong in my expectations or something is wrong in the circuit?
As i know very well, almost every FET must to be biased individually this circuit i didn't see any trim to bias the 2N5457...that could be a problem?
On the schematic there is an unmarked diode (third...not the two for clipping...i think it's for signal rectification)...i used a germanium one...something like a 1N34, as i saw in Orange's ok?

Thx all!


It's essentially turning the Dist+ into a "dirty" compressor. Less volume means more gain. In this case I'd imagine some sort of soft overdrive, from the diodes in the feedback loop. Maybe to subtle for what you're looking for? Also where are the MXR's diodes to ground? Roland S. Howard wouldn't stand for this shit.


Thx for your answer...the distortion is strong, but don't follow the strenght of picking :(...i want something like a Boss DynaDrive.
You're right about the fact that the schematic don't seems to be a MXR Distortion+...i think that's more like a TS...but this is not a problem for me :)