neutron this correct?

Started by gijimmbo, April 16, 2008, 05:18:19 PM

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hello all...sorry for noobness.
i think i bit off a little (more likley a LOT) more than i can handle. 
i'm trying the neutron build (GGG) and i've got the board all populated.  after reading up, searching on the forum, and trying to decifer the wiring;  this is the best i could come up with.  although it is probably really jacked up. 
i'm wondering if some smarties could take a look tell what is wrong with this.  i'm trying to go no battery option on this.  and a stompswitch.
thanks again in advance for your time and patience. 

also, not quite sure on the grounding of this beast..  where to connect, etc..


also, here is a link to the project file on GGG....

thanks again.  i really appreciate any help at all.  this forum rocks!


oops, power jack was wrong for the negative i guess.  but now it just makes a distorted farty sound. ..  also, i switched the ground from the input/outputs to the board next to the power inputs where it says "input stereo lug".   the pots seem to be working.  at least they have some effect, but there is still no real clear effect sounding how it's supposed to.  i don't know.  maybe i'll try taking some voltages tomorrow. 
could anybody tell me if i've got the sweep direction hooked up right??  i think i have the range right, but i really don't know on that either.
thanks again guys.

:) ???



well i found about a bazillion things wrong with what i was doing.  finally got it running today (only took three weeks) and i've got to say it sounds amazing...
toobad it's for my bass player friend.  i want to keep it.. oh well. 
thanks to everyone's help.   oh....errr.....i mean.... actually no one helped thanks to myself.  thanks anyways dudes
it's a real learning experience. 


Looks a cool project , just out of interest did you use a 15uF non polar cap or for C14 or did you sub for something else as I'm not sure I can get one of those where I am



P.S What optocoupler did you use?
Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


Hey, yeah, i did use a 15Uf NP cap, but in a previous thread RG discusses how you could sub out many others or even leave it off. apparently it's only there for basically surge protection. 
also i used option number 3: dual LED/LDR .  i used the VTL5C3's from smallbear and it sounds great!  they also have all the other options available for purchase. 
good luck.  it's worth it.