Is there a stand alone +- 9v power supply in the uk

Started by Austin73, April 23, 2008, 09:43:16 AM

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Hi everyone , just wondered if anybody knew of a +-9v power supply in the uk (230v ish) must be about 1A too. I had a quick look but got lost in the mele of car rubbish. I know I could build one possibly using the Max1044 but just wondered if there was an of the shelf one as it might be smaller than the one I make! lol

Sorry scrap the above this is what I need (info from Pete Cornish!)

The power supply is 18Vac centre tapped at 1 amp (i.e. 9-0-9 Vac). I do
not know how this would be connected to the Mitigator as I hard wired
the PSU in Lou's pedalboard.

Cheers for any info

Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


Just opened the mitigator up and it has 3 connections to the board 2 red and one yellow . I presume the yellow is 0 volts and the reds are 9vAC but no idea why it has to have 2 9vAc inputs? Any ideas?


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync


Are you 100% it's AC? What sort of pedal is it? If it is AC all you need is a 9v transformer, a box of some kind and the right cables. Maplin sell all of the above. N06CF would be a suitable transformer. They don't sell a complete power supply at this spec. It really would just be the transformer and a couple of wires in a box though.

You're probably right about which wires are which. The reason why it needs two AC supplies is probably so that it can make a positive and a negative DC supply. Do the power leads go into a rectifier or rectifying diodes?


Cheers Andy I did notice some AC adapters that would be fit for purpose if I could understand what the hell was going on . The power supply connects with a 5 pin Din plug but only 3 pins are connected. need to get the original power supply back and have a play . Jesus it can't be that complicated!

When I have more info can I PM you if I need more help


Bazz Fuss, Red LLama, Harmonic Jerkulator, LoFo MoFo, NPN Boost, Bronx Cheer, AB Box, Dual Loop, Crash Sync
