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basic question

Started by gtrhero93, April 26, 2008, 06:06:22 PM

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okay. so i'm new here and new to stompbox building.
I;m building a fuzz face clone, and was do i put in the resistors, and caps and everything. i realize you solder them, but i mean, what lead goes in which hole.

thanks in advance.


Are you asking if Components have to go in a certain way?? If you are then the answer is "Some Do and some don"t" Resistors can go in any way and Non-electrolytic capacitors can go in any way By most electrolytics go in a certain way which should be shown on the Layout you are useing, Most electrolytic caps are polarized and have a stripe down one side, this stripe denotes the Negitive lead, the other is the positive lead, in a schematic or layout the Postitive end of the cap will usually be marked with a "+" sign...

Doides also have to go in a certain way, they have a Anode and cathode ,The Cathode on the Diode will usually be marked with a stripe going arround the Diode and will also be marked simularly in a layout...

Transistors have 3 leads so must go in a certain way....

This site might be a good resource for you...
Go to bed with itchy Bum , wake up with stinky finger !!


For resistors, it doesn't matter which way round a component goes, as long as each end is connected to where it's meant to be connected.

For capacitors, it depends
-If they're polarized (electrolytic or tantalum), you must take care which way round it goes. As a general rule of thumb, the positive end goes towards where the signal is coming from; but always read the schematic and check.
- If they are not polarized, they can go in any direction.

Transistors are more complicated , and you should use to find it's pinout.

Good luck, and make sure you search the forum and Google.


Ok thank you.

I really appreciate your help. and that site was very helpful too.