Little Big Muff: major differences? (and quick build reviews)

Started by Bucksears, April 28, 2008, 12:07:19 PM

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Anybody know if there are major differences between the Little Big Muff and others?

I have the GGG-tuned BMP (with AMZ Body control) and have been using that for well over a year now; I love it and it's the only fuzz I play on a regular basis. To hear a little diversity, I just finished up the Civil War Russian a couple of weeks ago, wasn't crazy about it (lower gain, a little 'woofy', not nearly as tight-sounding as the GGG) so I swapped out the necessary parts out for the Triangle version. The Triangle version is a little better; I just finished that one yesterday, so I need some more time to play with it.
Basically, I'm using the same board and just swapping out the 'version-specific' components to hear the differences. I guess I'm a bit used to the American/BYC reissue Big Muff that I had a few years back, as well as the GGG version I have now, both of which have more gain than the others I've heard. Reviewers of the Little BMP have said that it's the same as the NYC, only 'edgier'.

Anybody looked at the guts on one of those yet?

Arn C.


   I will try to remember to bring mine in tomorrow to work and I will note the differences!

Arn C.

Rocket Roll

This new SMD reissue?

Gainy, bassier, a bit less sustain, can do palm-muting, overall better treble-bass response than NYC Muff (in my opinion)... but, alas, dissapears in the mix almost completely.

Some .mp3's:

Together with EHX DEM:

Mistress "Animals":
Mistress "Wall":
Mistress "Leslie":
"Goin' down where Southern cross' the Dog"


Are you talking about the re-issue Little Big Muff or the original?



the original and the new ones are different muffs,the newer is not a reissue of the old one.
the old ones use 3rd edition PCB's and opamp PCB's.
the new one has two versions, they are both the same but the PCB layout if different to accommodate the controls which on the first version are sustain/tone/volume. the later version controls are volume/tone/sustain.

the old LBM sounds exactly like the above mentioned editions but has pre set sustain and tone levels. the new LBM sounds similar to the rams head edition muffs. it doesnt sound like the NYC muffs like people think as there are value changes.
but one can argue that all muffs sound similar,and yes they do in a way  as they are all big muffs after all.


Sorry, no reports on the sound these make but I do find the PCB photo interesting.

It looks like the board has been cut above the jacks to allow it to flex when trying to get those furrel jacks in the holes.
Good idea! I did a box with furrel jacks and PCB mount footswitch and it was tough to get it into the shell after it was thickly powder coated.
It's time to buy a gun. That's what I've been thinking.
Maybe I can afford one, if I do a little less drinking. - Fred Eaglesmith


Analogue Signal Processing

Arn C.

I just have the original " Little Muff Tt "
I guess this is not the one you are looking for.


Arn C.