Help on wiring out tone pot on the DS-1

Started by phibes, May 10, 2008, 04:14:13 AM

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I think everyone has a history with a DS-1 so I'll leave that out.  I finally modded one to my liking and there's one more thing I'd like to do that hopefully someone can shed some info on or point me to somewhere (or another topic) with some info.

I've never really dug the Tone knob on the DS-1.  I really have no use for the sweep so I always left it all the way off.  (Far left)  I use the DS-1 for more of a boost when needed.  How hard would it be to mod the circuit board to have the same value or sound?  I'd like to have the pot taken out completely so I can move the gain pot into that position so I can put a toggle switch in the gains old spot to control a higher gain mod.

This is one thing I'm not to up on with modding pedals.  I've messed with putting some jumpers on the points but I can still hear the sweep so I'm assuming some kind of resistors have are going to be needed but like I said, this is something I really don't know too much about.

I was really happy with the way the mods I put in it sounded (I did the jcm mod and swapped the IC with a Burr) and putting this last touch on it would help me with bring this pedal back onto my board.  I've always seemed to have one of these pedals laying around so I figured I'd tune it up a little.

Any info or help would be greatly appreciated.

It's my first post so hopefully I don't look too n00b.  It's a shame it's taken me so long to join.

Rock on.


Hey phibes,

Try going over the GEOFEX, look up "the secret life of pots".  To keep a certain place on the tone sweep, you'd set the pot there, being sure not to turn it again. Then measure the resistance between left lug and middle, then right lug and middle.  Those 2 numbers are the resistors you'd need to add to the circuit, and where the meet in the middle is the "wiper" of your now permanent "pot" that will sit on the board.  Course you have to be sure each new resistor goes to the right place on the board (don't swap them!).   That will leave your hole open for a new pot for another function, but will leave the tone set to a permanent setting.   Hope that is understandable ;o)
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...
