Help please -- Uglyface parts from Mouser

Started by Derringer, May 29, 2008, 04:17:29 PM

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Hi, I need to order a few things from mouser soon and I figured I'd get the components for some builds that I want to try in the future ... the uglyface being one of them.

not all 555 chips are created the same right?

so which of these will work?*cmos*+*555*&Ntx=mode%2bmatchall&Ns=P_qField%7c0%7c%7cP_PRICE1%7c0%7c%7cP_SField&N=1323038&Ntk=Mouser_Wildcards

is this 386 cool?

also, how about the vactrol setup?
Can someone link me to an LDR and an LED that will do the job right? I do understand that I need to seal them up together to create the vactrol.

Hopefully, this post with the words "uglyface" and "mouser" in the title will help someone else out in the future if they search for answers to the same question.

Thanks for any help!



CMOS 555 ->

That 386 is fine.

LED would be your standard red LED.

Also, I don't believe Mouser stocks the CdS cells you would use. You heatshrink the LED to the CdS cell.


Are you dead set on mouser? I've used this the VTL5C3 from smallbear and it worked great.


thanks for the help sfx1999 and ianmgull

Yeah, I'd really like to get everything from one source if I can. I need to place an order for some pretty large (4uF up to 10 uF) non-lytic caps to repair some old crossovers of mine so I figured when ordering them from mouser, I'd order a few other things as well ... to save on shipping.

Someone may know a better/less expensive place than mouser though to get those caps and I'm definitely open to alternatives.

Thanks for the Smallbear info though. If that's where I need to go to then that's where I'll go for that part.


Digikey (.com) is good, their free catalog is as thick as Mouser's, and it's in COLOR.  Sure is a pain to search through, though.  Mouser, too.  It took me 1 week and-a-half to make my parts order- but by picking and price-comparisoning from 3 different sources I got everything at a pretty good deal.  Now that I've done all the hard work, the next orders will be so much easier.
Master Learner


I'm pretty comfortable with Mouser's search. I like how it let's you narrow things down as well as organize them by value.

I just took a look at digikey .... their search seems a bit more primitive. Is the catalog the way to go? I'm sure that there's items one has that the other doesn't.

Thanks for the info.