EPFM - Which projects to tackle?

Started by danielwarner, June 19, 2008, 11:15:25 PM

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So, I randomly happened across four RC4739s and I'm wondering what to do with them. I have EPFM, and I'm definitely building the ring modulator, but that only uses one. What to do with the other three? Which projects offer the most bang-for-the-buck?

Mark Hammer

Probably all the projects that use a 4739 are improved by the use of something like a 5532, 833, or TL072 and the revised EPFM layouts for 8-pin chips that JD Sleep has/had (can't seem to find them anymore) over at GGG.  It might be best to hang onto your 4739's to exchange with someone who blew one and needs a pin for pin replacement to bring something back to life.