Noisy DS1 after replacing clipping diodes

Started by Dan Z, June 18, 2008, 02:11:07 PM

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Dan Z

My boss ds-1 is noisy after replacing the clipping diodes (d4 d5).

- I installed two clipping options led or diode plus switch to select
- After the mod, I turned it on, and it promply bled the battery
- I must have shorted something, so I removed the mod
- Unit still noisy after putting back original diodes
- I tried a new opamp but still noise.

I'm thinking I fried something when the battery drained out...but what to check?  I was thinking of replacing some of the electrolytic caps.


Hey man... it drained your battery, sounds like there was a short to ground...

read the sticky post at the top of the forum so we can help you debug!


jlullo is probably right.  That battery is probably just strong enough to turn the pedal on, but not be useful.  See how many volts are in it. 
The people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

Dan Z

I forgot to mention, I installed a new battery after removing the mod.  The new battery is fine now - no drain.  In this state, the pedal is noisy when turned on.  Bypass is ok.