Dr. Boogey Bass Control: Is It A Boost/Cut?

Started by railhead, June 23, 2008, 06:54:22 PM

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I just built a Dr. Boogey, and I'm wondering about the bass control. Mine seems to be operating more like a boost/cut -- or almost like the pot's reversed. So, cranking it counter-clockwise seems to cut highs, and turning it clockwise seems to roll off bass. I built it based off of Paul's schematic at Gaussmarkov, and everything looks right.

I can't tell for sure, though, about whether or not the pot's wired wrong (which it doesn't look to be), or if the bass and other tone controls are setup to act more like a cut/boost.


John Lyons

The DB tone controls are similar to the fender/marshall tone stacks.
They are passive and can only cut. When they are on "10" that's somewhat flat.
They should work logically, CCW cuts and CC less that signal past.
If it's wired wrong the add subtract rotation of the knob may interact with another knob as
they are interactive...then if it's wired wrong it would seem to not just do what the knob is labeled as...
It's probably a wiring error, lottsa pots and wires on the DB.
Are you going from the schematic or layout. Sometimes the schematic will trick you when you convert to pot wiring.


Basic Audio Pedals


Oh holy crapola, I feel like a total tool...

I had the whole pot layout BACKWARD as I would have placed the pots! D'oh!!!

I like my controls to go like this:
Vol - Bass - Mid - Treb - Pres - Gain

Mine was (which is how Paul setup his):
Vol - Pres - Treb - Mid - Bass - Gain

So, I can now say that everything is working as it should -- I just have it in my shell wrong -- and my PCB is wrong now, too! D'oh!