"Total, Utter Annihilation" (aka "TUA") Dual Rectifier Sound Sample

Started by railhead, June 29, 2008, 08:09:08 PM

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I've been posting shots of my "TUA" (Total, Utter Annihilation) pedal shell in the Pictures thread, and today I finally had about 5 minutes with my recording gear to grab a totally quick-n-dirty sound sample. So, give it a listen and tell me what you think! Obviously, the better your sound system, the better this will sound -- so if you don't have a dub, you're missing out. Long live bedroom-level feedback! :)

Quick "TUA" Sound Sample

This is based off the Dr. Boogey/Dual Rectifier circuit. Sample was recoded with my 88 Les Paul into my Stulce SA-10C (all controls to noon), grabbed with an SM-58, and dropped into GarageBand with no post processing (other than fade in/fade out). And again -- this is just a really fast rhythm demo just to show the fatness.



I like what I hear but I want more... Maybe record some "technique" (pinch harmonics, double stops, blah blah) clips, to get a sense of how the pedal acts in different situations.  Sounds great for crunchy chords, that's for sure.

Nice web sites, too.


Thanks. And yeah, this isn't a "real" demo -- just quick a sample for you guys. :)


Very very kickass railhead  :icon_twisted: listening to the few Boogey samples that come around is always a treat!
I´ve been wanting to put up some samples of my Dr Boogey as well but..... :icon_rolleyes:

You might have tried this already but here goes anyway. Try the  Boogey into your audio editor and guitarhacks free speaker impulses....I couldn´t believe the huge chunky rich sounds these impulses create.

For anyone reading this that want´s to give  them a shot...read here http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/production-tips/332261-guitarhacks-impulses.html


WOW really "chunky" Fat sounding, is that drop-C tuning or regular.,please show the diagrams/printable pcb's I wanna build one of these badboys, also what type  caps are those and where  did you get them from, also what tweaking of the trimpots. I know that is a alot to ask but man that hasreal  "fatness"  tone

;D :icon_twisted: